The Core Bundle - A Holistic, Person-Centric Wellbeing Strategy For Your Entire Church

ChMS Platform & Associated App, Backed by Clinical Expertise

Through our software solution and the services of mental health clinical experts, Built on the Rock offers comprehensive, person-centric mental health support for your entire church community. Start by accessing mental health training for leadership alongside passionate mental health champions in your church, supported by clinicians, community groups, resources, and seamless tools via our dynamic platform.

member app
Church Dashboard
Transform Leadership with Data-Driven Insights
Experience the power of BOTR's ChMS Platform, providing your leadership with key insights for early intervention. This feature reduces risk, attracts and retains members, and enhances your church's reputation. Seamlessly delivered through our dynamic platform, the dashboard fosters improved mental health for the entire church and reduces burnout among leadership.
  • • Identify trends and patterns to address challenges early.
  • • Develop targeted strategies for your congregation's well-being.
The Support App
Empowering Mental Health Advocates On-the-Go
With BOTR’s Support Hub App, your trained Mental Health Advocates can effectively support assigned community users anytime, anywhere. The app seamlessly integrates with your church’s platform, removing barriers to accessing help and fostering ongoing engagement.
  • • Equip advocates with tools to monitor and assist users.
  • • Foster connections between advocates and their assigned members.
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The Member App
Accessible Mental Health Support for Your Entire Congregation
With BOTR’s dedicated Member App, your church members gain free access to biblically and clinically infused mental health support. Designed for on-the-go use, the app ensures everyone can benefit from high-quality, stigma-free assistance.
  • • Access a library of resources and tools for personal growth.
  • • Seamless communication with advocates and clinicians.
member app

Discover the Power of The Core Bundle

From leadership training to seamless app integration, the Core Bundle provides the tools and expertise you need to foster mental health within your church community. Join the movement to build stronger, more resilient congregations.